This Is The House Where I Learned Not To Sleep Documentary

This film is currently in Post Production

This Is Where I Learned Not To Sleep follows Mark Wynn (left, with his stepfather) and Byron Sanders (right, with his mother), both traumatized by household violence while growing up. Now as adults, they are determined to end the cycles of abuse that haunted them and their mothers. They believe men must be the driving force behind change. Facing deep-rooted resistance, often going back generations, Mark and Byron confront outdated patriarchal systems in law enforcement, family court and even professional sports, challenging other men to stand up and end violence against women. Their courageous stories redefine the culture of masculinity for a new age.

Three women are murdered every single day in America by their intimate partners1 - a statistic that has not significantly changed for over 30 years. With gun violence on the rise, there are approximately 4.5 million American women alive today who have been threatened with a gun, and nearly one million who have been shot or shot at by an abuser.2 Approximately 15.5 million children in the U.S. are exposed each year to domestic or family violence.3 More and more men are recognizing the need to speak up and take a more active role in combating violence against women. The culture is shifting and the narrative of masculinity is changing. The time for this story is NOW.

Watch trailer here.